Опубликовано EgyFirst Software на
8 Feb 2014
"Handles all aspects required with a data form"
Few Lines to add in your Form_Load event and you will get full control over your form and all included (TextBox - Lables-Buttons-Grid-Recordset) and all related events (Leave-paint-Keypress-AfterColEdit-OnAddNew-Click-MouseEnter-MouseLeave-MouseDown-Enter)You can:
Navigate first ,previous , next and last
Add new records ,edit it ,save it , or delete it
Retrieve related names to your fields code
Trigger sensitive DataHelp to select from by pressing F1
Trigger sensitive Help by pressing F12
Validate your entry by restrict it to predefined type(Numeric-Alphabetic-AlphaNumeric-Date-Decimal) or to your defined characters
Notify you with red forecolor if your entry is not proper
Format data by define decimal places for numeric entry , or define letter case for charactes entry
Change button image according to mouse movement or focus change Support MultiLanguage Application , by populate form labels with predefined translation automatically Support Eastern Language , we support right to left application by changing alignment to right and orientation by flip form horizontally 180 Enable you navigate through controls with Return key as with tab key
Требования: Dot Net Framework
Что нового в этой версии: support all COM-Based Languages such as Visual Basic , Visual c++ , Delphi , Borland C++ Support windows XP & Vista
Размер файла
1.36 MB -
условно бесплатная -
Windows -
$199 Купить полную версию
EgyFirst Software -
8 Feb 2014 -
431 (1 прошлой неделе)
Скачать DC Data Manger 4.0
(1.36 MB)
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