Чистый -
Чистый -
Чистый -
Подробные журналы

100scooter.exe|>{embedded}\WizardImage.bmp OK
100scooter.exe|>{embedded}\WizardSmallImage.bmp OK
100scooter.exe|>{embedded}\setup.exe|>[Embedded_R#SHFOLDERDLL] OK
100scooter.exe|>{embedded}\setup.exe OK
100scooter.exe|>{embedded}\uninstall.exe OK
100scooter.exe|>{sys}\Scooter Screensaver 2005.scr|>[UPX] OK
100scooter.exe|>{sys}\Scooter Screensaver 2005.scr OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\atv_1501.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\atv_2501.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\atv_501.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\atv_70.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\atv_901.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\atv_asc110.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\atv_asc150.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\atv_fh24e.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\atv_sl08.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\atv_sl90.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\atv_sla50.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\cp_705.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\cp_800.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\cp_805.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\cp_841.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\cp_847.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\cp_848.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\cp_sgt.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\cp_sl516.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\cp_sl929.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\cp_spider.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\db_200.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\db_501.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\db_801.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\db_806.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\db_ns125.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\db_q210.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\db_sl806.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\db_sld101.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\eb_01.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\eb_7.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\esb_01.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\esb_02.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\es_068.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\es_18.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\es_30b.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\es_36d.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\es_68a.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\es_e30.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\es_q21.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gf_01.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gf_02.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gf_03.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gk_1501.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gk_501.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gk_901.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gs_46.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gs_49.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gs_509.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gs_812.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gs_815.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gs_87.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gs_88.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gs_b43.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gs_rs4.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gs_rs45.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\gs_sbw.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\ms_250.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\ms_350.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\ms_400.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\ms_450.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\ms_s300.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\pb_305.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\pb_306.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\pb_307.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\pb_308.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\pb_309.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\pb_5.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\pb_6.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\pb_a1.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\ro_111.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\ro_211.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\ro_411.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\sb_529.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\sb_529a.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\sb_69.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\sb_815w.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\sb_840.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\sb_g18.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\sb_g18wf.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\sb_g18wm.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\sb_slx9.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\sb_x1.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\sb_x2.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\sb_x5.jpg OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\Back_In_The_UK.mid OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\How_Much_Is_The_Fish.mid OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\Move_Your_Ass.mid OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\sample\Rebel_Yell.mid OK
100scooter.exe|>{sys}\MPEGDLL.DLL OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\Readme.txt OK
100scooter.exe|>{sys}\Scooter Screensaver 2005.002 OK
100scooter.exe|>{app}\icon.ico OK
100scooter.exe OK
# Number of scanned files: 102
# Number of scanned folders: 0
# Number of infected files: 0
# Total size of scanned files: 8712921
# Virus database: 141224-1, 12/24/14
# Total scan time: 0:0:0

Copyright (c) 1992 - 2012 AVG Technologies
Program version 2013.0.3495, engine 2013.0.4253
Virus Database: Version 4253/8800 2014-12-24
Test started: 25.12.2014 1:23:44
Duration of test: 3 second(s)
Objects scanned : 1
Found infections : 0
Found rootkit : 0
Found high severity : 0
Found med severity : 0
Found info severity : 0
Fixed rootkit : 0
Fixed high severity : 0
Fixed med severity : 0
Fixed info severity : 0

Copyright (c) 2010 by Avira GmbH
All rights reserved.
engine set:
VDF Version:
Scan start time: 12/25/2014 3:23:40 AM
Command line: g:\scancl.exe --nombr --showall --verboselog /a /z /s --log=d:\scanner\output.tmp d:\scanner\downloads\162173\100scooter.exe
configuration file: g:\scancl.conf
Date: 25.12.2014 Time: 03:23:23 Size: 3466829
WARNING: [Unsupported archive version] d:\scanner\downloads\162173\100scooter.exe
Statistics :
Directories............... : 0
Archives.................. : 1
Files..................... : 1
Infected.............. : 0
Warnings.............. : 1
Suspicious............ : 0
Infections................ : 0
Time...................... : 00:00:01

; --- Settings ---
; Action on detect: Disinfect automatically
; Scan objects: All objects
; Use iChecker: No
; Use iSwift: No
; Try disinfect: No
; Try delete: No
; Try delete container: No
; Exclude by mask: No
; Include by mask: No
; Objects to scan:
; "100scooter.exe" Enable = Yes Recursive = No
; ------------------
2014-12-25 03:23:40 100scooter.exe archive Inno
2014-12-25 03:23:40 100scooter.exe//exe//data0054.res ok
2014-12-25 03:23:40 Scan_Objects$337959 running 50%
2014-12-25 03:23:40 100scooter.exe//exe ok
2014-12-25 03:23:40 100scooter.exe//messages ok
2014-12-25 03:23:40 100scooter.exe//script ok
2014-12-25 03:23:40 100scooter.exe//data0000 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0001 packed UPX
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0001//UPX//# ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0001//UPX ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0001//# ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0001 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0002 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0003 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0004 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0005 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0006 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0007 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0008 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0009 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0010 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0011 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0012 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0013 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0014 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0015 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0016 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0017 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0018 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0019 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0020 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0021 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:41 100scooter.exe//data0022 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0023 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0024 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0025 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0026 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0027 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0028 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0029 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0030 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0031 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0032 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0033 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0034 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0035 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0036 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0037 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0038 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0039 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0040 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0041 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0042 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0043 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0044 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0045 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0046 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0047 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0048 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0049 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0050 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0051 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0052 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0053 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0054 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0055 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0056 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0057 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0058 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0059 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0060 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0061 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0062 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0063 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0064 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0065 packed Creak
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0065//Creak ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0065 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0066 packed Creak
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0066//Creak ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0066 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0067 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0068 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0069 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0070 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0071 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0072 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0073 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0074 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0075 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0076 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0077 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0078 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0079 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0080 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0081 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0082 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0083 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0084 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0085 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0086 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0087 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0088 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0089 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0090 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0091 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0092 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0093 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//data0094 ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//#//data0054.res ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//# ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe//# ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 100scooter.exe ok
2014-12-25 03:23:42 Scan_Objects$337959 completed
; --- Statistics ---
; Time Start: 2014-12-25 03:23:40
; Time Finish: 2014-12-25 03:23:42
; Completion: 100%
; Processed objects: 108
; Total detected: 0
; Detected exact: 0
; Suspicions: 0
; Treats detected: 0
; Untreated: 0
; Disinfected: 0
; Quarantined: 0
; Deleted: 0
; Skipped: 0
; Archived: 1
; Packed: 3
; Password protected: 0
; Corrupted: 0
; Errors: 0
; Last object:
; ------------------

ECLS Command-line scanner, version 6.0.316.0, (C) 1992-2013 ESET, spol. s r.o.
Module loader, version 1055 (20141118), build 1080
Module perseus, version 1446 (20141208), build 1672
Module scanner, version 10925 (20141224), build 21696
Module archiver, version 1215 (20141106), build 1202
Module advheur, version 1153 (20140915), build 1119
Module cleaner, version 1102 (20141112), build 1133
Command line: --base-dir=d:\av\eset /log-rewrite /log-all /files /no-boots /no-heur /no-adv-heur /mail /sfx /rtp /adware /unsafe /unwanted /pattern /action=none /no-quarantine /log-file=d:\scanner\output.tmp 100scooter.exe
Scan started at: 12/25/14 03:23:26
name="100scooter.exe", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - setup.data", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - files.info", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - file0000.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {sys}\Scooter Screensaver 2005.scr", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {sys}\Scooter Screensaver 2005.scr - UPX v13_m8", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\atv_1501.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\atv_2501.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\atv_501.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\atv_70.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\atv_901.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\atv_asc110.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\atv_asc150.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\atv_fh24e.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\atv_sl08.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\atv_sl90.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\atv_sla50.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\cp_705.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\cp_800.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\cp_805.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\cp_841.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\cp_847.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\cp_848.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\cp_sgt.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\cp_sl516.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\cp_sl929.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\cp_spider.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\db_200.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\db_501.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\db_801.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\db_806.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\db_ns125.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\db_q210.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\db_sl806.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\db_sld101.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\eb_01.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\eb_7.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\esb_01.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\esb_02.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\es_068.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\es_18.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\es_30b.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\es_36d.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\es_68a.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\es_e30.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\es_q21.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gf_01.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gf_02.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gf_03.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gk_1501.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gk_501.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gk_901.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gs_46.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gs_49.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gs_509.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gs_812.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gs_815.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gs_87.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gs_88.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gs_b43.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gs_rs4.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gs_rs45.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\gs_sbw.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\ms_250.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\ms_350.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\ms_400.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\ms_450.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\ms_s300.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\pb_305.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\pb_306.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\pb_307.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\pb_308.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\pb_309.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\pb_5.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\pb_6.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\pb_a1.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\ro_111.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\ro_211.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\ro_411.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\sb_529.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\sb_529a.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\sb_69.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\sb_815w.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\sb_840.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\sb_g18.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\sb_g18wf.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\sb_g18wm.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\sb_slx9.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\sb_x1.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\sb_x2.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\sb_x5.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\Back_In_The_UK.mid", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\How_Much_Is_The_Fish.mid", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\Move_Your_Ass.mid", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\sample\Rebel_Yell.mid", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {sys}\MPEGDLL.DLL", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\Readme.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {sys}\Scooter Screensaver 2005.002", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="100scooter.exe - INNO - {app}\icon.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
Scan completed at: 12/25/14 03:23:26
Scan time: 0 sec (0:00:00)
Total: files - 1, objects 97
Infected: files - 0, objects 0
Cleaned: files - 0, objects 0
Общие рекомендации по безопасности
1. Установка антивируса
Чтобы ваш компьютер не был заражен вредоносными программами, мы рекомендуем всегда устанавливать антивирусную программу, особенно при загрузке и установке новых программ из Интернета. Не реже одного раза в день запускайте программу обновления базы данных. Это позволит вашему антивирусу оставаться в курсе последних вредоносных угроз и лучше защищать данные вашего компьютера.
Если у вас нет мощного антивирусного решения, уже защищающего ваш компьютер, вы должны установить его из наших рекомендаций: Avast Free, AVG Free, Avira Free, Bitdefender, Kaspersky (50% Discount), NOD32.
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3. Подробнее о защите ПК
Эти статьи должны помочь вам (английский):
- - Our Chart of Top Dumb Ways to Mess Up Your PC
- - PC improvement tips for National Clean Out Your Computer Day (or any other day)
- - The Crucial Actions to take when using a new Windows PC for the first time
- - Introduction to Sandboxed Browsing
- - Will Clearing Your Browser's Cache Actually Improve Your Browsing Experience?
- - Browser Hijacking Signs and How To Clean-up
- - Comprehensive Guide to Secure Passwords
- - Two-Factor Authentication Explained - Protecting Your Accounts With More Than Just a Password
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